I just have to blog that today so far has been wonderful. 'Aisea has been playing on his own with his cars and not terrorizing Matai. Then Matai finally ate baby food. He has been fighting me for a month on it, but this morning I mixed carrots with some rice cereal and he ate it right up!!
Matai has always been a pretty good sleeper (meaning I can put him in his swing and he will go to sleep without too much fussing), but today I put him in my bed and covered him up and then left him and he went to sleep with NO fussing and he wasn't swinging!!
Also, I cleaned and rearranged my living room yesterday afternoon and today it is still looking half way decent, which is saying a lot for us. But I have been able to do the dishes this morning, do lots of laundry, and straighted up a bit.
It's going to be a good day!!
Those days are the best days. When it feels like everything is going right. Hope it stayed that way! Have I mentioned how cute your boys are?!
I hope it stayed a really good day--even after our snowstorm travels! It was fun having you and the boys along today!
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