The other day I took the boys to the zoo and then to Jen's to play at her park. This is what happens when Matai has just had TOO much!

While at Jen's I had some major chapped lips, so Jen gave me some chap stick to put on. I was waiting for 'Aisea to use the bathroom when I put it on and then while I was helping him wash his hands, I looked into the mirror and this was what I saw.........the whitest lips ever!! And I had caked this stuff on because my lips hurt so bad!! Me and Jen got a good laugh out of it, but she didn't know because she had never used it before.
I didn't take it off because my lips hurt so bad, but I was leaving Jen's to go meet Kim at Costco and go to dinner, so I made a mental note to wipe it off when I got there. Now I pose this question............What good is a mental note when you have NO brain???
So I got to Costco and had to wait a bit for Kim to get there. In the process, I forgot to wipe off my chap stick. When Kim gets to Costco, after being there for a bit, I remembered that I forgot to wipe it off. I ask Kim......"why didn't you tell me that I had white lips?" She says......"I thought you knew about it." LOL Not exactly my style!!
That is so cute--I especially love it because you know you can put them in bed!
I thought you were having an 80s flashback...Wet 'n Wild liptstick for 99 cents. I wish I could remember what color number that was because I used to buy it! LOL.
I want to say it was 216--but maybe that's because I'm grading papers for my Eng 216 class right now. LOL.
HA! OMG! I would have died laughing at myself! Don't you LOVE that kind of chapstick???! It's lifeguard requirement around here. :p How are your lips now?!?
What a hoot! Camden use to do the same thing. Both his father and he still have the abilty to fall asleep wherever and whenever. Where are you guys living at now? I think of you often. Love looking at your blog.
Love, Nancy
hahaha this is my new favorite quote "What good is a mental note when you have NO brain???"
I laughed so hard at the picture of your lips! Hilarious! I forgot to tell you that I put the picture of Leah posing as Sloth's sister from Goonies up as my wallpaper. Every time I turn on my computer I get startled by that picture! My dad can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Once he fell asleep in the middle of a sentence.
How funny! Maybe everyone thought you were starting your own fad!
I love the picture of Matai,so precious, he is a beautiful boy.
I love that little baby boy. What a doll.
Beautiful lips!!
I love those sleeping pictures. They are so precious and I love that they can just fall asleep any where. Both of my boys have fallen asleep in the tub before. Talk about scaring me to death, the what if...
So cute! I know what you mean about the mental notes! I take notes too and then I forget!! I just need to start carrying around a notepad and pen or something...but then I'll have to remember to write in it and then look...if I remembered!!!
I love the lips - I would have worn them around on PURPOSE to see how many people said something or looked at me funny! You're my hero!
We should definitely get together - I can always use some Brick Oven...e-mail me and we'll plan a double date :)
love the snoozing boy! and your lips, to die for... I need some!
Love Matai sleeping in the car. None of my kids will ever fall asleep like that. I wish they would. How cute.
Neither of my kids have ever fallen asleep like that! They need their beds! :)
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