Thursday, December 17, 2009

Io's Work Christmas Party

I know I have gotten really bad about updating my blog. I am making a new year's resolution (early) to be better at it. Thanks Kaitlin and McKenna, and Tifani S. (a little while ago) for the nudge!! :) I have lots to catch up on and I think that it became overwhelming to have to catch it up. So I will catch up when I can and post new things too!

Me and Io went to his Christmas work party last week. It was nice to have a night out with just the two of us. That hasn't happened in a really, really, really long time. It is nice to have my mom here to help us out when we need someone to watch the kids. THANKS MOM!!

The morning started out with me seeing (on T.V.) that the promo team from PCC was in town and performing at South Town Mall that evening. I called Io and, of course, he wanted to go!! :) It was good to see old friends there and watch some of the new night show. It looks like an amazing show!! We also got to see Jen, Addy, and Brynn there too! An extra bonus!!!
We left there and went to Io's work party at his school.They had a yummy dinner at the school and then at the end, they gave all of the employees a ham and $50.00. It was really nice. We know, without a doubt, that he is working where he is supposed to be working. We have been shown this time and time again. They really care and appreciate the job that their employees do.

FOR JOURNALING PURPOSES ONLY: The "big" boss at the school literally tracked me down (I mean he went to our table and asked Io where I was and he told him that I was over talking to Josephine and he came over there) to tell me what a good job Io does. He said that Io is an amazing teacher and that they love having him there and that he really makes and impact in the lives of the kids. I thought that was really nice of him to let ME know that, but I already knew everything he told me! :)